Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Opportunity blogs

What goes around comes around.
I knew if I kept writing the good stuff, putting it out there something good would happen. 
Well, it did.
I have the opportunity to develop a property into a full-blown story. 
Book? For sure. Movie? Stranger things have happened.
The plan is for me to write my guts out in the seaside town of Lerici, Italy a walking trail away from the area known as Cinque Terre. I mention this because Lerici overlooks The Bay of Poets. Thoughts that pass through my fingertips and spill unto the word processor along with my morning coffee will have been edited, if not inspired by Byron, Hans Christian Andersen and Shelley.
She left me at the silent time
When the moon had ceas'd to climb
The azure path of Heaven's steep,
And like an albatross asleep,
Balanc'd on her wings of light,
Hover'd in the purple night,
Ere she sought her ocean nest
In the chambers of the West.
She left me, and I stay'd alone
Thinking over every tone 
(from Lines written in the Bay of Lerici
-Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Already...already I have little control. 
Luckily, my merely rough-hewn carpenters
hands will be guided by those who have
been there before. 
In Lerici. 
At the birth of the perfect thought. 
The better angels of the written word.
This journey to where I do not know is scheduled to begin mid-September. My deadline is November 1st. 
Bistro Chairs exceeded my readership goals - and a lot sooner than I expected. I am happy to report the number of you reading along in the United States, Europe, Asia and South America is already in the thousands.
Meanwhile @TheDailyNovel: A Tall Tale in 140 Characters or Less is successful for a different reason. I started it for fun and ended up learning something: How to turn out a perfect sentence a day. An exercise I recommend to both aspiring and perspiring writers.
Bistro Chairs: Writing and observing the human condition over coffee...make that a cappuccino will continue. Moving more into fiction as I weave pieces of my life into the tapestry of this new assignment. 
Your participation and encouragement led to this new adventure and I thank you.
Until next time….